About Cardinal Lourdusamy Foundation
Cardinal’s motto was “Aedificare Domum Dei” – “To build the house of God” – In every heart, in every home, and all over. Cardinal Lourdusamy’s ministry for the Church in India (1951 – 1962 as Priest, 1962 – 1971 as Auxiliary Bishop and later as Archbishop of Bangalore) and for the Universal Church from the Vatican (1971 until retirement in 2004 and death in 2014) has been well documented.
The impact Cardinal Loudusamy had on individuals, communities, missions, and the entire Church has been written about by St. Teresa of Calcutta, Pope St. John Paul II, Holy Fathers Benedict XVI and Francis, numerous Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops, other Clergy, Religious and Laity in the publications ‘Gratias Agamus,’ ‘Eternal Life,’ and ‘Light From The East.’

Our Mission
Share God’s love and blessings following His command and the example of Cardinal Simon Lourdusamy who was well known for his charitable works for human development, education, and passionate support for the missions.